Get Well Messages

Get Well Messages

We understand the importance of sending a thoughtful "get well soon" message to someone you love when they're not feeling well. Often, the gift itself is secondary to the message. However, expressing a few uplifting words of comfort can be challenging! We know how crucial it is to say something that will make them feel instantly better. Reading a kind message that someone has taken the time to write can be all it takes to feel on the road to recovery.

To help, here’s a quick "Get Well Message Guide" with some of the most commonly used phrases for providing uplifting words to comfort friends, family, and colleagues when they need it most.

20+ Get Well Soon Messages

"Thinking of you lots and wishing you a very speedy recovery soon."

"We hope you are recovering well and will soon be home to share a cuppa! Thinking of you with warm wishes."

"I’m really sorry to hear of your illness. We’re all thinking of you during this time and hope your recovery is a speedy one."

"Praying that you get well soon and experience the joys of being healthy again."

"I hope this get well wish brings a smile to your face. You are too beautiful to be feeling down."

"May you enjoy this time off to put your feet up and recover fully. We hope that the next few weeks are filled with lots of rest and relaxation."

"I heard that you've been under the weather lately - hope there are lots of sunny spells coming your way soon!"

"Wishing that each day brings you renewed strength, brighter times, and a healthier, happier you. Get well soon."
"I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.  I am hoping this card will give you a smile and at least improve your spirits."
"We hope your condition improves each day until you are back to normal soon."
"Take all the time off that you need in order to recover. Your work will be here when you are better. It will just be piled up really high."

"Hope is the best medicine of all, I hope you feel much better, very soon!"

"I hope you are feeling a lot better by the time you get this gift"
"Get well soon [include recipient's name] I hope this little something I'm sending you helps you feel a little brighter"
"Thinking of you and wishing you better. Sending all my love across the miles." 
"Sending you a boat load of well wishes for a speedy recovery."
"Rest well and take care of yourself, and please remember to take your prescribed drugs like the Doctor ordered."
"We're all praying you will recover quickly and be back to your smiling lovely self again."
"The office is so quiet and boring without you. Please hurry up and get back to work, we all miss you."
"Sending healing vibes your way for speedy recovery. Make sure you put your feet up and relax."
"Sending lots of love and fast recovery hugs. Hope you are up and running about again very soon. Thinking of you."
"A “tough cookie” is apparently someone who is a fighter, facing sickness with strength and being strong in difficult times! A tough cookie is someone who can withstand life's hard times. This is definitely you! Lots of hugs"